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A Blog About The Blog

I want to start this blog with complete transparency. This blog was created to in order to promote my digital marketing agency ( It is to show that I am a "market leader" in the industry. I cannot really say that without feeling some imposter syndrome. What would classify me or anyone as a market leader? Is a market leader someone that makes the most revenue? Is a market leader someone that signs the most clients? Maybe I just need to say market leader enough to increase my SEO rankings.

I wouldn't say that I am a market leader, but I am someone that understands what it takes to run a business. The sleepless nights trying to figure out how to grow your business. The constant worry of not doing enough. The type of stress that it puts on your soul. It can be debilitating at times, but it can get the blood really flowing. It can be exciting and frustrating. I can help alleviate some of the frustration by helping with your online marketing needs, shameless plug. Go to and we both can be frustrated together. Because misery loves company. I think that anyone who is a business owner can understand, but also know deep in their hearts they wouldn't want to be doing anything else.

My agency is heavily focused on branding and transparency. Branding is something that is very close to my heart. After all, we all use some sort of branding. We have our whole lives to build this skill. Branding is what you want to world to see. You want to be trusted. You want to be sought after. I can help you with that. Well, not you personally but your business. Actually, maybe I can, but I think I need some sort of healthcare license for that. Lets just focus on your business. If you're looking for a market leader. Sorry, I am not it, but if you are looking for someone to be in the trenches for you in this digital landscape. I am your person. As for the transparency part, I won't steal your money. You will get full transparency of any fees charged. It won't just be built into your ad spend.

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